Membership in the Brocaw Blazers is unique in that unlike most competitive sports; attendance at practice and meets is optional. Our team has members participating in a variety of other sports and in most cases counts the practices and games for those sports as one of the practices that the runners are encouraged to do each week. We understand that parents only have so much time in the evening and that is why our practices typically only last around 50-60 minutes total for the younger runners and 70 minutes for high school runners. Training for each week is posted online for the team so that you know what to do in case you are unable to make a practice for some reason. Again, those that are doing another sport practice or game that day should consult Coach Ramsey before doing our workout as well. Unlike track & field meets, most of our meets take 90 minutes or less to complete and that includes the warm-up and cool down as well as all the races!

Membership in the Brocaw Blazers consists of both competitive and training levels. All coaches volunteer their time so that we can keep the expense of membership down in order to allow more athletes to attend the national meet. There is no administrative fee.


If possible for the first practice and organizational meeting, please register online with Venmo in order to shorten the length of our first organizational practice and meeting.


Please follow the steps below. Let us know if you have any questions. EMAIL
  1. Complete a YES-Athletics Membership for each runner you are registering - PDF
  2. Send a picture of your child (maximum 1 MB) - save the photo as your child's first and last name - EMAIL
  3. Submit your Venmo payment and please note your athlete's name on the payment.
  4. Please bring a signed copy of the membership form and turn it in at the first practice.


We ask that you do the following if you choose to register runners on-site at their first practice.
  1. Fill the 2024 YES-Membership form out online, print it off and sign it.
  2. Put the registration form(s) with the exact amount needed for the athlete(s) membership in a sealed envelope with the name(s) of the runner(s) noted on the envelope and bring it to your first practice.
  3. Send a picture of each registered runner (maximum 1 MB) - save the photo as your child's first and last name - EMAIL
This will speed up the registration process.

You must have your 2024 YES-Membership form on file with the team and pay your team membership fee before you can practice &/or compete with the team.

NOTE: All middle school and high school runners interested in joining after your state meet please contact Coach Ramsey with any questions. He must have your shirt size to be able to order all team shirts by noon on Monday, November 18th. Remember he does not use text messaging!


The cost to attend the national meet with the Brocaw Blazers is very inexpensive. The cost for each individual to go to the national meet usually ranges from $150 - $275 depending on the location. This includes all bus transportation, food, lodging and entry fees. Team membership is separate. Parents are always welcome to attend the national meet with the team at almost the same cost. The national meet trip is an integral part of the Brocaw Blazers team experience. The bus trip to the national meet is especially important to build team unity but more importantly build friendships for life!

The buses for the 2024 national trip will leave Kansas City for Shelbyville, IN at 3:00PM on the afternoon of Thursday, November 21st and return Sunday afternoon, November 24th. You will be expected to bring your homework with you. A complete itinerary will be posted here the week before the trip. We estimate that the cost for food, lodging, meet registration, team fees and the charter bus transportation will be around $250 for the trip for those that are joining the team after their state high school meet. The posted itinerary will have the exact cost. Parents are always welcome to attend the national meet with the team at almost the same cost. Preference will always be given to the younger kids parents.

So that you have a better idea of what to expect on the trip this year, here are the national meet videos from 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014 and 2013.

If you have any other concerns, please contact Coach Ramsey at (913) 489-9821. Remember he does not use text messaging!